

Page history last edited by Jillian Worssam 11 years, 3 months ago

Welcome to Scientists-in-the-Classroom

Sinagua Middle School

High Elevation Science for Higher Learning!

You have entered a realm where learning is active, energetic and engaging for all!


Welcome to Scientists in the Classroom
Mentors From Around the World 
Welcome to Seventh Grade 
 Welcome to Eighth Grade 
Scientists in the Classroom Business Model




Our Goal  ---- to bring real time, active science into the public school classroom.  Where students and professionals in the field have a chance to meet and learn through a collaborative educational environment.


A little about us!

Scientists in the classroom is a mentorship program, pairing scientists with students.  For an entire year eighth grade students and their scientist mentor will work on and develop a variety of scientific and technological projects.  Seventh Grade students also have science mentors and have an entire years curriculum developing in partnership with their mentors.


Our PLAN:  Every science student at Sinagua Middle School is either paired one on one with a scientific mentor all year, or their science class has a mentor agency/business for an entire academic year.


ALL students scientifically literate,

using STEM practices to better prepare students for their future

and to be America's sustaining work force!


Additional Pages!

Check out our additional pages


A Year of Learning that lasts a LIFETIME!


It is amazing the places our minds can go when we open the doors!'





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